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Hot trend: total white outfit!

When the cloudy and cold days make their presense in our life every fall and winter we tend to erase from our minds the bright and light colors and,influenced either by the weather or by the seasonal fashion trends,we mostly choose dark colors like brown,dark blue and grey and of course black.

But what if we chose to be the ones that will put a little extra light and brightness at the foggy,melancholic and chilly winter streets of every day fashion?

What about a total white outlook?

It is one of my favorite winter clothing choices and besides that,dressing in full white color,helps me to keep a lighter and a higher mood for all day!I totally agree here with the phychology of colors and the influence they have in our feelings and emotions.

So...why don't you give it a try?

Extra tip: combine it with long necklaces, especially gold!

White loves gold and gold adores white! ;)

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