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Fashion History: The Origins of Lace

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"When did lace originate?

Although no definite date can be given for the ‘invention’ of lace, it is most likely that what we now regard as lace arose in the early sixteenth century.

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

Open woven fabrics and fine nets that had a lace-like effect are known to have existed for centuries, but their techniques did not contribute to those developed for the great European laces. Early references to ‘lace’ in English texts almost certainly refer to ‘ties’, as this was the primary meaning of the word lace until well into the seventeenth century.

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

There is pictorial evidence from the late fifteenth century of simple plaited laces used on costume, and this is consistent with the statement by the author of a bobbin lace pattern book — the Nüw Modelbuch — printed in Zurich in 1561, that lace was brought to Zurich from Italy in about 1536.

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

What is certainly true is that the second half of the sixteenth century saw the rapid development of lace as an openwork fabric, created with a needle and single thread (needle lace) or with multiple threads (bobbin lace)..."

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

"...Fashion has always driven lace production. Towards the end of the sixteenth century ruffs and standing collars demanded bold geometric needlelace. Through the early years of the 1600s these were gradually replaced by softer collars requiring many yards of relatively narrow linen bobbin lace.

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

At the same time there was increasing demand for gold and silver lace to edge gloves, shoe roses, jackets and sashes, and also to provide surface decoration for other garments. By the middle of the seventeenth century linen lace was again worn flat, and both needle and bobbin lace makers had refined their skills to produce some extremely intricate work, with the raised needlelace known as Gros Point and the flowing forms of Milanese bobbin lace being among the greatest achievements of the period.

fashion history for lace,the origins of lace,history of lace

Through the eighteenth century lace became increasingly delicate, often worked in extremely fine linen thread with increasing use of mesh grounds. French needle laces — Argentan and Alençon — and Flemish bobbin laces — Binche, Valenciennes, Mechlin — began to dominate the market, with items such as cravat ends and lappets used to display the wealth and demonstrate the good taste of the wearer..."

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Read more about the origins of lace here:

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