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Beauty tips and tricks for ladies who wear glasses

"Boys don't make passes at girls who wear glasses".....WHATEVER! That ship has sailed and wearing glasses is cooler than ever. With all the amazing frames out there it's even easier to use them as a fun fashion accessory! There is a LOT of bad information floating around online from people on how to wear your makeup if you also wear glasses.

Many of the "tips" I have read are the complete opposite of what you should be doing. Additionally, there are way too many "tricks" being suggested and it doesn't need to be that complicated. Ain't no one got time for that! Keep it simple, master these simple rules and then start getting creative.

Here are my top 10 tricks for wearing makeup AND glasses. I promise the two can get along quite nicely if you follow these simple rules. I've linked up some of my all time favorite eye products in each tip, so give it a look-see:

1. Save the bright colors for your lips Listen...I love neon as much as the next guy (that's not true, I love it WAY more) but your eyes are not the place to experiment with the latest acid-green eye shadow you saw on Demi Lovato last week IF you wear specs. Keep your shadow colors in the neutral family so you don't appear garish and clown-like..."

2. Don't skip the mascara I've heard so many ninnies say "Mascara sticks to lenses! You can't wear mascara with glasses!" Well...yeah...if you don't let it dry first OR curl your lashes (see #4). Exercise some common sense here. Apply mascara, wait for it to dry. Put glasses on. Voila! Mascara really opens up the eyes. Don't skip it just because you wear glasses!

3. Use a peach or yellow based concealer under eyes Glasses can sometimes cast dark circles under our eye area (as if we needed any more of that, amiright?!) Counteract the raccoon effect by applying a creamy peach or yellow..."

4. Curl your lashes This goes without saying. Every woman with eyelashes should be doing this. Period. Non-negotiable..."

5. Don't go too dark with your shadow Wearing glasses can make eyes appear darker (and smaller depending on your prescription) than they really are. This doesn't mean you can't carefully apply a crease color, just make sure to keep it above the lid but below the brow bone and keep the color civilized..."

Read the rest of the beauty tips here

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